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Tai Chi exercises for Seniors.

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In memory of Uri Lahav. A great martial artist, student, and friend. View the Gallery to see our tribute to Uri.

Tai Chi (or Tai Chi Chuan) is a Chinese martial art that has been evolving and continues to evolve to serve the needs of its practitioners. Once used as a powerful fighting style, today only a small percentage of its proponents use it for martial or self-defense purposes.

Although many of my students come from a martial background, as do I, and are proficient in Karate or other fighting styles, few of them have come to me to learn how to improve their fighting skills, although that is certainly a benefit for those interested in that direction.

So, why do they come? If you remove the martial aspects of the art, what remains?

Tai Chi offers a perfect exercise regime for people of all ages. It strengthens muscles, tendons, connective tissue, reduces stress, improves breathing, and concentration. It reinforces and improves proprioception, improves balance, flexibility, and the immune system.


“The science of Tai Chi is just now catching up with and substantiating what Tai Chi practitioners have known for centuries—Tai Chi often leads to more vigor and energy, greater flexibility, balance and mobility, and an improved sense of well-being. Cutting-edge research now lends support to long-standing claims that Tai Chi favorably impacts the health of the heart, bones, nerves and muscles, immune system, and the mind.” Wayne, Peter. The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi (Harvard Health Publications).

In addition to the myriad of physical health benefits of Tai Chi practice, the meditative aspects cannot be understated. Quieting the mind, increasing the sense of well-being, and feeling of acceptance,  and calm, all lead to a happier, fuller and more deeply experienced life.

Ultimately, Tai Chi helps us become the better version of ourselves.

Tora Dojo Tai Chi organization
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Grand Master Sober

I have had the great fortune to study Tai Chi from Master Herman Kauz and Grandmaster H. i. Sober. Master Sober awarded me the title Chiao Lin about 20 years ago and the title Sifu in 2011. So, with no claim to be anything close to Masters Sober and Kauz, I am a Tora Dojo Sifu. I have learned quite a bit from my teachers and have been privileged to teach Tai Chi to many students with a large range of personal goals within the art.

I have taught martial artists interested in fighting and self defense, students with serious health issues, and those interested in the health, Chi  Gung, and the meditative aspects of the art.

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Since I learn so much from teaching and I want to help others reap the benefits of Tai Chi practice, I would love to teach you. Please contact me about classes, seminars, or private lessons.

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